Why I Haven't Been Blogging & My Affair With The Huffington Post
I have been quiet for a while now, and for no good reason. Possible explanations included being generally busy with my fascinating public health coursework (it truly is) and being unable to find my way through a mental fog of disconnected thoughts.
And then it hit me. The culprit of my silence has been none other a lethal combination of The Huffington Post and You Tube. Yep, you've been deprived of my ramblings because I found something more amusing than myself.
The Huffington Post - not the best source of the latest, most objective news some might say. Frankly, I don't care. That website is addictive, especially for bloggers like me who put together lists of the funny moments this election circus has to offer and email their friends and family approximately 10 related articles per day.
Nevermind that the website is completely and utterly disorganized. There are articles, opinions, videos, news feeds, pictures, and audio clips thrown around that page in the most attractive, haphazard arrangement imaginable, and I can't get enough of it. Its not enough to catch every SNL, Letterman, and Daily Show moment possible then night before - I have to read up on the aftermath the next morning.
So my coworker and I comb through Huffington and You Tube like our lives depend on it. I'm starting to think that rambling to myself was better - at least it is somewhat engaging. All this election business often makes my jaw drop and stare at the computer screen with eyes glazed over, although I do get a million and one laughs out of it between 9 am and 5 pm everyday, guaranteed. I am not alone. My cousin refers to it as "my cocaine."
Trying to shake myself out of it. Hear from me soon.
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