Friday, October 24, 2008

How Long I've Been A Democrat

If it appears to you that I am very liberal and a staunch Democrat, that's okay with me. It occurred to me last night that I can recall my very first reaction to a presidential election, and thus, how long I may have been one. It dates back to - kindergarten.

I feel compelled to address this because by some telepathic coincidence, this morning's Today show featured a segment on educating young children about the election and politics. I was proud to see that 20 years ago, Mrs. Cohen, my dear kindergarten teacher, was way ahead of the game.

Back in 1988, Mrs. Cohen requested that we bring in a picture of our presidential pick. I actually thought long and hard about this, but realized that my developing brain was powerless in understanding what issues were at hand and on what basis such a decision could be considered. I looked through newspapers but since I couldn't understand most of the words, I focused on the pictures.

To my young little eyes, the answer lay in Michael Dukakis. He was young and fresh-faced compared to Bush, and was sort of handsome. Plus, I liked the sound of Dukakis. I thought it was different and profound, while Bush invoked canned bean commercials.

The next day, I marched up to the dry-erase board and sticky-tacked my image of Dukakis in the appropriate column. Sound choice or not, I had unknowingly declared my party affiliation for years to come (and crushingly chose the loser of the election).

In honor of my superficial baby steps as a U.S. Citizen, here is an equally superficial (but powerful) ode to Mr. Obama - man, that guy knows how to take a picture. If I were kindergartner right now, these would seal the deal for me.


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