Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A Suitable Boy/The Ideal Man

Of late, I've been asked what I am looking for in a boy/guy/man/boyfriend/husband/life partner. I have no idea what this question is supposed to mean. It makes as little sense to me as asking what kind of food I like and what kind of food I hope to eat in the future - hopefully, good, healthy, yummy food? I don't care what it really is, as long it's satisfying and enjoyable? No mold? Good-looking enough but doesn't have to be primped, primed, and garnished? Sigh. I figure when you meet someone you can be with for however long it is meant to be, you'll know.

I was wrong. After much thought and consideration, my friend and I have decided that the most suitable boy/ideal man would be a combination of John Stewart, Barack Obama (don't groan), and Stephen Colbert.

Stewart is funny, quirky, and handsome. Obama is presidential, quirky (I think), and handsome.

And Colbert. Well, Colbert is funny, quirky, can fake being presidential, handsome, can breakdance with Korean pop stars, loves Amitabh Bachchan, and possesses those perfect in-between looks and carriage that could pass for a number of different ethnicities, making him an excellent non-Indian Indian candidate.

I heart Stewart/Obama/Colbert. Sorry to throw the Obama in there - I know it might be inappropriate and cheesy. But he really does have a killer smile, and may be president. It's a no-brainer. There are many others I could add to this list but since I already sound 15, I'd rather not risk sounding 13.


An Indian's Makeup Blog said...

LOL !! Guess the guy has to be Quirky !

I agree with the Stewart and Obama part. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Jon Stewart and watch his show religiously. Obama, like you said has a killer smile and I really like his deep voice too ! If I had to choose one...it would be Jon Stewart though :p

Great post !

Truckspotter said...

Glad you agree ;)

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