I Forgot How To Write...And Study
It's been a long time since I took an exam that didn't require memorizing formulas and the shapes of molecules. Now, I face the daunting task of writing clear, complete thoughts in the form of clear, complete essays for an exam tomorrow. As my professor reminded the class last week - we're graduate students, and should know how to write. Yikes.
As you can tell from my two blogs, my writing skills have been reduced to composing cyber yap on some rather superficial/random thoughts that I prevent from spiraling into a 10-minute rant or rave with someone who doesn't want to listen on the phone. I also cannot write a sentence less than 50 words long.
Tomorrow, I will have to use these writing skills to discuss topics such as molecular epidemiology and organophosphate poisoning. It's not nearly as scary as it sounds, actually. I just don't trust myself to handle it all properly given the pre-med fog of the last couple of years.
I also feeling guilty when I'm doing something else instead of studying. Like blogging at work. Ok. I was good. I used my lunch hour to listen to an Ipod lecture and study - such a nerd. I don't know where all this paranoia is coming from. I guess I didn't blog enough last week to soothe my nerves. Must start doing so over the weekend.
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