Say It Ain't So
Oh, but it is so. All the variety in pickin'-apart-Palin on the web has been consuming all my potential blog-time. So I decided to integrate the two activities, throw in some other fun stuff, and present to you the best of the week:
Margaret and Helen - A must read. After reading this particular post, read all the others. I want this woman to be my friend.
Palin Flow - Wonderin' how she made it through that debate? This is why.
Alaska Hockey Moms for Obama
Sarah Silverman's The Great Schlep
"Hey Sarah Palin" (to "Hey There Delilah")
Madonna Goes Off On Sarah Palin
Alec Baldwin Imitates Sarah Palin
Tina Fey As Sarah Palin In VP Debate On SNL
And for some warm fuzzies (and also because it's kind of weird): Yes We Can (Hold Babies)
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