Friday, September 26, 2008

The Johar Jr. Chronicles

If you followed my other blog a few months ago, you may have read a series of posts on a character in my life who I have named Johar Jr. after Bollywood film director/producer Karan Johar (pictured on the right - my guy is superior).

I'm obsessed with this person for reasons you will read below - I've moved my previous posts on him to this blog for your reading pleasure.

This is mostly because I've been DYING to write about my latest "encounter" with Johar Jr. But I realized that newcomers, or those who strictly visited my other blog as a beauty read, may not have bothered to keep up with this obsession.

Well, I'm standing in front of the Metropolitan Museum of Art the other night waiting for my sis to arrive before attending a concert there. It was like a Woody Allen movie.

A yellow cab pulls up to the entrance. One well-suited black leg steps out. Then another. Then the tall, lanky, amazingly put-together, likely-to-be-gay love of my life showed his face and I nearly died.

You don't understand. I used to observe this guy on the train platform back on Long Island all summer. How he found his way to the same random event I was attending is beyond me. It was fate, and I should have introduced myself, but I did not know what to say. Instead, I would try to locate him in the crowd to take a picture with my camera phone, only to draw nearer and wimp out at the very site of him. I'm still in awe.

Read below and you may begin to understand why:

Characters II
I can't believe I forgot to wrote about my current favorite character. He is fabulous. I wish I could take a picture of him and post it here, but that would be unethical (I think). You just have to see him to get it, but I will try to do my best:

4) Karan Johar, Jr. - I'm not joking. Again, one of those things where you just have to see it to believe it. This tall, semi-lanky South Asian must secretly be related to the famous Indian director, producer, and celebrity Karan Johar. Mr. Johar has this slightly pretty-boy thing going on, but not exactly because most people probably wouldn't say he's particularly good-looking or anything. He's also slightly effeminate and metro, and there have been rumors swirling about his sexuality for years. I could say all of this about Johar Jr., too. The weird thing is, he actually LOOKS like his fantasy father - his features, hair, everything! Johar Jr. is always standing in the most stately but slightly boyish manner on my station platform in the mornings. His jeans are Perfection - not baggy in the least, fitted through the hip and legs, back pockets that actually sit on his you know what, always a matching belt (I have even seen him wear white), and a length that sits on his shoes in exactly the right spot - all this, and he never manages to look euro or like it's 1989. And his sunglasses - my. They are Gucci or something because they have these brown shades and white arms with an embossed silver design. White sunglasses and an embossed silver design? Boy does he scream Bollywood-gone-wrong - and yet, the whole look is so extremely pulled together and less flashy than you think it would be. I always check him out in the mornings. I can' t help it - he's so intriguing! Trust me, you would too if you saw his Gucci sunglasses and white belt. On occasion I've seen him wear a long, black trench coat which suits his tall frame, even though it has the potential to look somewhat goth - but on him, its kind of fashionably dark and commanding. I swear he looks like he's an intern in the fashion industry. He never has a backpack or a functional black messenger bag that men take to work - it's always some funky one, and I think once or twice I've even seen him carrying a handbag. I am not exaggerating. He also definitely has one of those body types where he's in perfect shape and totally fit and yet somehow, you know he's not going to the gym. How does he do it?! He is such an anomaly that I don't know exactly what kind of story suits him best. Perhaps he should be in his own "The Devil Wears Aki Narula" or something. But he seems far too sophisticated for that. I should add that I'm not quite sure he's South Asian - he could be Persian or Latino or something, but because he looks like a Johar Jr., I'm personally placing him in India. With his white belt. And handbag.

Johar, Jr. Escapes!

You won't believe it, but this morning, Johar Jr. was waiting at the same spot as me on the train platform, and got into the same car! THEN, he sat on the opposite side of the aisle! I nearly died. I didn't know what to do. I wanted to simultaneously blog, call San, take a picture, talk to him, and giggle.

The only thing I had a shot at doing was taking his picture with my camera phone. Completely unethical. I assure you I never do such things but my excitement got the best of me. My two attempts failed, first because the memory was full, and then because he moved and I couldn't reposition my camera phone before he got up (the train had just pulled in).

Outfit today: same Godly jeans, white loafers, the white sunglasses!, an olive green/pink Lacoste polo, and that interesting handbag-ish messenger bag. Pure awesomeness.

I'm hoping he sits in the same car on Monday. I kept throwing him sideway glances but he was entranced by some magazine (fashion, perhaps? Bollywood?). I tried to pull out my ipod and blare some Hindi music (although he clearly wouldn't have heard it) but I was afraid of coming off as disheveled (had a lot going on in my purse today), so I didn't. Next time...!

In case you haven't been following my Johar sightings, he is this fantastically put-together boy I see on the train eveyday who looks like he could be Karan Johar's son.

Johar Jr. Strikes Again
I forgot to mention yesterday that Johar Jr. looked me straight in the eye the other day. Even though it was through his bronze-pink shades, I nearly swooned.

Today he was wearing a dark blue polo, those perfectly-fitted jeans, and a Louis Vuitton belt. I need to walk by him one day blaring Indian music on my i-pod to see if he at least turns his head in my direction again. Maybe I will smile. Or ask him where he shops. Or ask him to please dress me because he looks way more pulled-together every morning than I do. Or ask if my friends can have coffee with his father (who has a talk show called "Koffee with Karan;" I can give up such a prize but Trish would kill for it).

Damn, I forgot to see if he was carrying a handbag! Next time...


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