Wednesday, February 18, 2009

On Knowing Medical Professionals, Being Indian, & Jury Duty

Speaking of Indians in the mainstream here and here, my cousin called me at 11 pm to share this story. It was certainly worth putting down my hair dryer and pausing Law & Order: SVU for.

So cousin gets called for jury duty. A questionnaire asks if he knows anyone in the legal or medical professions, and he answers yes to both.

During the selection interview, he is asked about the people he knows in the legal profession. He refers to those 2 people.

Then he is asked about the people he knows in the medical profession. His answer was something along the lines of, "Well, I'm would be impossible to name all the doctors I know." Chuckles of acknowledgment from the courtroom. This made my amazement at having SVU interrupted by a commercial for RCN starring the second-runner up of last season's Indian Idol even funnier.

I can't wait for jury duty.


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