Determine frequency of checking for e mail messages. Some people choose to
check it throughout the day and even use such devices as the Blackberry
when on ...
When in doubt just raid your crafts closet. On one such raid, I randomly
cut up pieces of threads and started braiding them and braided those
braids. By ...
Hello Hello! Yes, it has been quite a long time. I wish I had elaborate
excuses or some sort of great mystique but--alas--I simply plead
First, I cant see what the microwave is doing to the food it spins so
diligently on its place.
I'm the kinda person who likes to see the flames lick the po...
First Year is over. I start my internship in T-4 days, and this summer is
going to be quite unlike the year that's just gone by. I'm actually looking
You might have heard President Obama use the phrase, “health care is a
human right.” in recent days to demonstrate his argument against defunding
Margaret, that little Vance kid just doesn’t get it. When asked about
abortion rights he said, “I want us to make it easier for moms to afford to
have babi...
I stumbled upon this excellent drugstore moisturizer on Beauty and the
Feast's post on her skincare routine. Since I rarely come across strong
drugstore sk...
Those familiar with the tactics employed at anti-choice pregnancy clinics
say they're not surprised by a recent Reddit post from a clinic worker.
The po...
Hello Mutineers. Long time no talk. ;-) But before the sentimentality, some
important business - the last ever San Francisco Bay Area Meetup is
tomorrow Wh...
*This is a guest post by Humphrey Nabimanya, founder of Reach a Hand
Uganda. *
[image: 2016-04-15-1460736651-1435623-huffpo1.jpg]*Journalists and bloggers...
And it was fantastic, maybe even historic. [Link] It started with Khizr
Khan, an immigrant from Pakistan, standing at the podium at the Democratic
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