The Heart of Power: Health and Politics in the Oval Office
I've been pretty quiet lately, having been preoccupied again with nerdy pursuits in Epidemiology and Healthcare Finance. I did, however, want to poke my head in to announce the release of a nerdy book I've eagerly been awaiting - The Heart of Power: Health and Politics in the Oval Office. I never imagined when I first started exploring public health as an undergrad that it would be the hot topic it is today. I know you might expect me to discuss healthcare reform more passionately on this blog, but well, you're wrong. I don't really like talking about such things - its highly academic for me and I still feel rather ignorant despite being in a Master's in Public Health program. Also, I'm clearly just insecure about my opinions. So instead, I'll recommend some enlightening books for us to all smile and nod over. Enjoy.
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