Some Requirements
As you know, I have been desperately trying to avoid turning this space into one dedicated to the I-am-single-hear-my-woes song. I have no such song and don't care to compose one. I have, however, recently experienced a fine-tuning of some needs/desires that may affect my future selection of a companion. In other words, I think I actually have some requirements/excuses/odd things I have come up with that seem superficially easy to fulfill but may actually be very hard to, thus buying me a few more years before people really start to worry about me and my reproductive system.
So here we go. Drum roll. The 2 things I absolutely require of a man (I think), are:
1) Must eat mutton (aka, goat meat). Must do so in order to relish and digest goat curry. Goat curry is important in my gastronomic sphere. I really, really like it. I will be sorely disappointed if a strapping young man arrives at Camp Great Neck, Edison, or Howard Beach and is unable to partake in the...goat-curry eating.
2) Must understand my desire to pass on my maiden name to at least one offspring since there are no males in the family to do so. Keeping my maiden name won't really preserve squat unless I can pass it on. I have several arguments for this one, which will appear in another post. Needless to say, I do not think it is unreasonable and will seriously wonder about any person who has a major problem with it, although I reserve the right to change my own mind. Eating goat curry will not make up for a lack of understanding on this one.
Ok, so that's it for now. Not so bad, huh? I am seriously the least picky person alive but I decided that these are some things that matter to me. Feel free to criticize as you wish.
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